ADA IC471 Samolus Parviflorus Red | TC Live Plant

Rs. 250.00 Rs. 450.00


Product Description:

Samolus parviflorus red is a recent addition to the aquarium plant trade, it is a rare plant with lesser availability. It looks similar to Alternanthera reineckii in many ways, but the leaves differ. The leaves of Samolus parviflorus Red are rounder.

It is an easy-to-grow stem plant that looks attractive when grown as a mid-ground plant. Under high light conditions, Samolus parviflorus Red develops bright red color. The reddish hint, along with the orange and green color, comes under low light conditions.

The temperature should be maintained around 25 degrees C. It can grow well even in brackish water. The growth rate is slow, and the light demand is high. Even though it can survive without additional carbon dioxide, supplementing CO2 will intensify its growth.

It is a relative easy to grow plant, best suited to the midground of the tank. It is a stem plant that that remains short and red under high light conditions, producing red leaves in a tight bunch that almost seem to sprout from a center rosette. However, it produces taller shoots when overcrowded or under insufficient lighting. Stronger lighting also induces redder coloration in this species, while growing it in more moderate lighting produces orange hues. Richer dosing, or having a rich substrate produces rounder, fuller leaves. Poorer lighting and nutrient lean conditions produce greener and thinner leaves. The plant can look completely green if neglected and in shade.

The plant is quite hardy and can grow in non CO2 injected tanks and also in harder, more alkaline water. However, it grows with fuller leaves with better coloration with CO2 injection. It has moderate growth rates compared to other aquarium plants and thus is easily managed as less frequent pruning is required


ADA IC471 Samolus Parviflorus Red | TC Live Plant

Rs. 250.00 Rs. 450.00

Product Description:

Samolus parviflorus red is a recent addition to the aquarium plant trade, it is a rare plant with lesser availability. It looks similar to Alternanthera reineckii in many ways, but the leaves differ. The leaves of Samolus parviflorus Red are rounder.

It is an easy-to-grow stem plant that looks attractive when grown as a mid-ground plant. Under high light conditions, Samolus parviflorus Red develops bright red color. The reddish hint, along with the orange and green color, comes under low light conditions.

The temperature should be maintained around 25 degrees C. It can grow well even in brackish water. The growth rate is slow, and the light demand is high. Even though it can survive without additional carbon dioxide, supplementing CO2 will intensify its growth.

It is a relative easy to grow plant, best suited to the midground of the tank. It is a stem plant that that remains short and red under high light conditions, producing red leaves in a tight bunch that almost seem to sprout from a center rosette. However, it produces taller shoots when overcrowded or under insufficient lighting. Stronger lighting also induces redder coloration in this species, while growing it in more moderate lighting produces orange hues. Richer dosing, or having a rich substrate produces rounder, fuller leaves. Poorer lighting and nutrient lean conditions produce greener and thinner leaves. The plant can look completely green if neglected and in shade.

The plant is quite hardy and can grow in non CO2 injected tanks and also in harder, more alkaline water. However, it grows with fuller leaves with better coloration with CO2 injection. It has moderate growth rates compared to other aquarium plants and thus is easily managed as less frequent pruning is required

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