Guppy Albino Full Red

Rs. 160.00


 The Albino Full Red Guppy is a striking and highly sought-after guppy variety, known for its vivid red coloration and distinctive albino traits. This guppy is a favorite among aquarists for its brilliant color and elegant appearance. Here's a detailed description:

Coloration: The Albino Full Red Guppy is distinguished by its uniform, bright red coloration that covers the entire body, including the fins and tail. The red is intense and eye-catching, making this guppy stand out in any aquarium. The albino trait gives the fish a pale, almost translucent skin, and the characteristic red eyes that are common in albino varieties.

Body Shape: This guppy has a streamlined body, with males being more slender and females being slightly rounder, especially when carrying fry. The fins, including the dorsal and caudal (tail) fins, are fully red and often large and flowing, adding to the overall dramatic appearance of the fish.

Eyes: As with most albino fish, the Albino Full Red Guppy has red eyes, which contrast beautifully with its bright red body.

Tank Size: A minimum of  45 litres is recommended for a small group, but larger tanks are better, especially if you plan to keep them with other species.

Water Parameters: They prefer slightly warm water with a temperature range of 74-82°F, a pH of 6.8-7.8, and soft to moderately hard water.

Aquarium Setup: The tank should be well-planted with plenty of hiding spots, but also with open areas for swimming. A gentle filtration system is preferred to avoid strong currents that could stress these delicate fish.

Lighting: Moderate lighting will help enhance their red coloration without causing excessive stress or algae growth.



Guppy Albino Full Red

From Rs. 160.00

 The Albino Full Red Guppy is a striking and highly sought-after guppy variety, known for its vivid red coloration and distinctive albino traits. This guppy is a favorite among aquarists for its brilliant color and elegant appearance. Here's a detailed description:

Coloration: The Albino Full Red Guppy is distinguished by its uniform, bright red coloration that covers the entire body, including the fins and tail. The red is intense and eye-catching, making this guppy stand out in any aquarium. The albino trait gives the fish a pale, almost translucent skin, and the characteristic red eyes that are common in albino varieties.

Body Shape: This guppy has a streamlined body, with males being more slender and females being slightly rounder, especially when carrying fry. The fins, including the dorsal and caudal (tail) fins, are fully red and often large and flowing, adding to the overall dramatic appearance of the fish.

Eyes: As with most albino fish, the Albino Full Red Guppy has red eyes, which contrast beautifully with its bright red body.

Tank Size: A minimum of  45 litres is recommended for a small group, but larger tanks are better, especially if you plan to keep them with other species.

Water Parameters: They prefer slightly warm water with a temperature range of 74-82°F, a pH of 6.8-7.8, and soft to moderately hard water.

Aquarium Setup: The tank should be well-planted with plenty of hiding spots, but also with open areas for swimming. A gentle filtration system is preferred to avoid strong currents that could stress these delicate fish.

Lighting: Moderate lighting will help enhance their red coloration without causing excessive stress or algae growth.


Choose Type

  • 1 Pair - 1 Male & 1 Female
  • 5 Pair - 5 Male & 5 Female
  • Trio - 1 Male & 2 Female
  • Breading Pair - 1 Male & 1 Female
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