Goby (2.5-3 Cms) | Single

Rs. 80.00


The Goby (2.5-3 inches) is a small, bottom-dwelling fish with a compact, elongated body. It often has a variety of colors and patterns, including browns, grays, or greens. Gobies are peaceful and shy, preferring to stay close to the substrate and hide in tanks with rocks and plants.

Coloration: Gobies come in various colors and patterns depending on the species. Common colors include shades of brown, gray, or green with markings that can range from spots to stripes. The coloration often provides good camouflage in their natural habitats.

Body Shape: Gobies have a compact, elongated body with a slightly flattened underside. Their bodies are generally stout and robust. They have a distinctive, fused pelvic fin that forms a disc-like structure which helps them cling to surfaces.

Size: At 2.5-3 inches, the Goby is a small fish, ideal for smaller tanks or as a complement to other species in larger setups.

Temperament: Gobies are typically peaceful and can be shy, especially when first introduced to a new tank. They are generally non-aggressive and are more likely to interact with their environment and seek out hiding spots.

Activity Level: Gobies are relatively sedentary and prefer to stay close to the substrate. They spend a lot of time foraging for food and resting on the tank bottom.

Social Behavior: Gobies can often be kept with other peaceful fish, but they prefer to have some hiding spots where they can retreat. They may also be kept in small groups depending on the species and tank size.

Tank Size: A tank of at least 90 litres is suitable for a single Goby. If kept with other fish, a larger tank may be necessary to accommodate all species and provide ample space.

Water Parameters: Gobies generally prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.5-7.5. The temperature range can vary but typically falls between 72-78°F (22-26°C). Consistent water conditions are important for their well-being.

Decor: A well-planted tank with rocks, driftwood, and a soft substrate is ideal for Gobies. They appreciate a setup that mimics their natural habitat, providing plenty of hiding places and surface areas to explore.

Diet: Gobies are omnivorous and can be fed a diet of high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. Their diet should be varied to ensure they receive all necessary nutrients.


Goby (2.5-3 Cms) | Single

Rs. 80.00

The Goby (2.5-3 inches) is a small, bottom-dwelling fish with a compact, elongated body. It often has a variety of colors and patterns, including browns, grays, or greens. Gobies are peaceful and shy, preferring to stay close to the substrate and hide in tanks with rocks and plants.

Coloration: Gobies come in various colors and patterns depending on the species. Common colors include shades of brown, gray, or green with markings that can range from spots to stripes. The coloration often provides good camouflage in their natural habitats.

Body Shape: Gobies have a compact, elongated body with a slightly flattened underside. Their bodies are generally stout and robust. They have a distinctive, fused pelvic fin that forms a disc-like structure which helps them cling to surfaces.

Size: At 2.5-3 inches, the Goby is a small fish, ideal for smaller tanks or as a complement to other species in larger setups.

Temperament: Gobies are typically peaceful and can be shy, especially when first introduced to a new tank. They are generally non-aggressive and are more likely to interact with their environment and seek out hiding spots.

Activity Level: Gobies are relatively sedentary and prefer to stay close to the substrate. They spend a lot of time foraging for food and resting on the tank bottom.

Social Behavior: Gobies can often be kept with other peaceful fish, but they prefer to have some hiding spots where they can retreat. They may also be kept in small groups depending on the species and tank size.

Tank Size: A tank of at least 90 litres is suitable for a single Goby. If kept with other fish, a larger tank may be necessary to accommodate all species and provide ample space.

Water Parameters: Gobies generally prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.5-7.5. The temperature range can vary but typically falls between 72-78°F (22-26°C). Consistent water conditions are important for their well-being.

Decor: A well-planted tank with rocks, driftwood, and a soft substrate is ideal for Gobies. They appreciate a setup that mimics their natural habitat, providing plenty of hiding places and surface areas to explore.

Diet: Gobies are omnivorous and can be fed a diet of high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. Their diet should be varied to ensure they receive all necessary nutrients.

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