Algae Eater Hillstream Loach (3-4 Cms) Single

Rs. 350.00


The Hillstream Loach, often referred to as the Algae Eater, is a unique and fascinating freshwater fish popular among aquarium enthusiasts for its ability to control algae growth. This particular Hillstream Loach measures between 3 to 4 centimeters in length.

Appearance: It has a distinctive, flattened body that allows it to cling to surfaces, mimicking the look of a small stingray. The fish is usually mottled with patterns of brown, green, and yellow, which helps it blend in with its natural surroundings. Its pectoral and pelvic fins are wide, almost wing-like, aiding in its strong suction ability, perfect for sticking to rocks and aquarium glass.

Behavior: Known for its peaceful nature, the Hillstream Loach spends much of its time grazing on algae and biofilm, making it an excellent addition to planted aquariums. It is active during the day and is often seen scouring the aquarium walls and decorations in search of food.

Habitat Requirements: This loach thrives in aquariums that replicate its natural, fast-flowing river habitat. It prefers well-oxygenated water with a strong current and cooler temperatures (20-24°C). It's important to provide plenty of hiding spots, like rocks and caves, to mimic its natural environment.

Care: The Hillstream Loach is relatively easy to care for, but it's crucial to maintain clean water conditions and provide a diet rich in algae. In addition to algae, they can be fed sinking pellets, blanched vegetables, and other plant-based foods. They are best kept in groups of three or more to encourage natural behaviors.


Algae Eater Hillstream Loach (3-4 Cms) Single

Rs. 350.00

The Hillstream Loach, often referred to as the Algae Eater, is a unique and fascinating freshwater fish popular among aquarium enthusiasts for its ability to control algae growth. This particular Hillstream Loach measures between 3 to 4 centimeters in length.

Appearance: It has a distinctive, flattened body that allows it to cling to surfaces, mimicking the look of a small stingray. The fish is usually mottled with patterns of brown, green, and yellow, which helps it blend in with its natural surroundings. Its pectoral and pelvic fins are wide, almost wing-like, aiding in its strong suction ability, perfect for sticking to rocks and aquarium glass.

Behavior: Known for its peaceful nature, the Hillstream Loach spends much of its time grazing on algae and biofilm, making it an excellent addition to planted aquariums. It is active during the day and is often seen scouring the aquarium walls and decorations in search of food.

Habitat Requirements: This loach thrives in aquariums that replicate its natural, fast-flowing river habitat. It prefers well-oxygenated water with a strong current and cooler temperatures (20-24°C). It's important to provide plenty of hiding spots, like rocks and caves, to mimic its natural environment.

Care: The Hillstream Loach is relatively easy to care for, but it's crucial to maintain clean water conditions and provide a diet rich in algae. In addition to algae, they can be fed sinking pellets, blanched vegetables, and other plant-based foods. They are best kept in groups of three or more to encourage natural behaviors.

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