Black Phantom Tetra | Single

Rs. 100.00


The Black Phantom Tetra (Hyphessobrycon megalopterus) is a striking freshwater fish known for its dramatic appearance and peaceful demeanor. Native to the rivers and streams of South America, particularly in the Paraguay River basin, this tetra is a popular choice for community aquariums and planted tanks due to its unique look and easy-going nature.

Appearance: The Black Phantom Tetra is named for its dark, almost ghostly appearance. The body of the fish is a silvery-gray to dark charcoal color, with a distinctive black patch near the gills, resembling a "phantom's" mark. Males tend to have more pronounced black coloration, especially in the dorsal and pelvic fins, which can appear almost jet black and are often elongated, giving them a more dramatic, flowing appearance. Females, on the other hand, have a more rounded body and are generally less intense in color, with a hint of red or orange in the fins. The contrasting colors and sleek body shape make the Black Phantom Tetra an elegant addition to any aquarium.

Behavior: Black Phantom Tetras are peaceful schooling fish that thrive when kept in groups of six or more. Within their schools, they display interesting social behaviors, with males occasionally engaging in mock "fights," where they spread their fins and circle each other without causing harm. This behavior is more about establishing dominance than actual aggression. They are active swimmers and spend most of their time in the middle to upper levels of the tank, making them a lively and engaging species to observe.

Habitat and Tank Requirements: A tank of at least  36-50 litres is recommended to provide ample space for a small school of Black Phantom Tetras. These fish thrive in well-planted aquariums with plenty of hiding spots, such as driftwood and rocks, which help mimic their natural habitat. The ideal water conditions include a temperature range of 72°F to 79°F (22°C to 26°C), a pH of 6.0 to 7.5, and soft to moderately hard water. The subdued lighting typical of planted tanks enhances their coloration and helps them feel more secure.

Diet: Black Phantom Tetras are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. They will readily accept high-quality flake foods, micro-pellets, and small live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. Providing a diverse diet helps to maintain their health and vibrant colors.

Compatibility: These tetras are peaceful and make excellent companions for other small, non-aggressive species. They do well with other tetras, rasboras, Corydoras catfish, and small gouramis. Black Phantom Tetras are also compatible with shrimp and other invertebrates, making them a versatile choice for community tanks.

Lifespan: With proper care, Black Phantom Tetras can live for 5 to 6 years, and some may live even longer. Regular water changes, stable water conditions, and a balanced diet are key to their longevity.

Planted Tank Considerations: Black Phantom Tetras are particularly well-suited for planted tanks, where their dark coloration contrasts beautifully with green plants. The presence of plants also provides them with the cover they need to feel secure and helps to reduce stress. They are an excellent choice for aquarists looking to create a naturalistic and visually appealing aquascape.



Black Phantom Tetra | Single

Rs. 100.00

The Black Phantom Tetra (Hyphessobrycon megalopterus) is a striking freshwater fish known for its dramatic appearance and peaceful demeanor. Native to the rivers and streams of South America, particularly in the Paraguay River basin, this tetra is a popular choice for community aquariums and planted tanks due to its unique look and easy-going nature.

Appearance: The Black Phantom Tetra is named for its dark, almost ghostly appearance. The body of the fish is a silvery-gray to dark charcoal color, with a distinctive black patch near the gills, resembling a "phantom's" mark. Males tend to have more pronounced black coloration, especially in the dorsal and pelvic fins, which can appear almost jet black and are often elongated, giving them a more dramatic, flowing appearance. Females, on the other hand, have a more rounded body and are generally less intense in color, with a hint of red or orange in the fins. The contrasting colors and sleek body shape make the Black Phantom Tetra an elegant addition to any aquarium.

Behavior: Black Phantom Tetras are peaceful schooling fish that thrive when kept in groups of six or more. Within their schools, they display interesting social behaviors, with males occasionally engaging in mock "fights," where they spread their fins and circle each other without causing harm. This behavior is more about establishing dominance than actual aggression. They are active swimmers and spend most of their time in the middle to upper levels of the tank, making them a lively and engaging species to observe.

Habitat and Tank Requirements: A tank of at least  36-50 litres is recommended to provide ample space for a small school of Black Phantom Tetras. These fish thrive in well-planted aquariums with plenty of hiding spots, such as driftwood and rocks, which help mimic their natural habitat. The ideal water conditions include a temperature range of 72°F to 79°F (22°C to 26°C), a pH of 6.0 to 7.5, and soft to moderately hard water. The subdued lighting typical of planted tanks enhances their coloration and helps them feel more secure.

Diet: Black Phantom Tetras are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. They will readily accept high-quality flake foods, micro-pellets, and small live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. Providing a diverse diet helps to maintain their health and vibrant colors.

Compatibility: These tetras are peaceful and make excellent companions for other small, non-aggressive species. They do well with other tetras, rasboras, Corydoras catfish, and small gouramis. Black Phantom Tetras are also compatible with shrimp and other invertebrates, making them a versatile choice for community tanks.

Lifespan: With proper care, Black Phantom Tetras can live for 5 to 6 years, and some may live even longer. Regular water changes, stable water conditions, and a balanced diet are key to their longevity.

Planted Tank Considerations: Black Phantom Tetras are particularly well-suited for planted tanks, where their dark coloration contrasts beautifully with green plants. The presence of plants also provides them with the cover they need to feel secure and helps to reduce stress. They are an excellent choice for aquarists looking to create a naturalistic and visually appealing aquascape.


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